So, I've been gone for too long. I know, but believe me when I say that everything wrong that could happen, has happened lately. My mind has been busy, so much so, that even a meal is something that has to be planned to actually happen.
Still in tangles by everything that is happening, a little ray of sunshine came along. Matcha Meditation has been discontinued from a huge retailer and to my luck, it was discounted by 70%. Yes, you read that right!
Even though my first and only impression of it was from a paper strip, it wasn't good, but I just could not pass on this opportunity. Let's be honest. Nothing like some retail therapy when everything is going to shi...
Very green and very sweet. Matcha Meditation opens with a blast of a duality. The greeness is so realistically green and the sweetness so chocolatey. Matcha Meditation smells like white chocolate covered in ceremonial grade matcha. It is mind boggling how realistic it is.
Bitterness from the matcha, creaminess like that of full fat soy milk and heavy sweetness from agave. Matcha Meditation is a perfect replica of a hot cup of matcha latte. The question is, do I want to smell like a matcha latte?
The bitterness lingers on and the sweetness is at the cusp of being nauseating, but something about Matcha Meditation and the sunshine outside makes it worthwhile. After complete dry down, the fragrance is a true springtime scent of white florals, sweetness and notes of green. I don't think I will be reaching for it that often, because it is quite sweet, but I am so happy to have this in my collection.