Saturday, 30 October 2021

Mon Evidence by Yves Rocher

Photosource: Scent Studio (own copyright)

Though Mon Evidence by Yves Rocher is a spring fragrance, it was perfect this sunny autumn morning. The air was crisp like it is in early spring and the sun was shining warming up the city. 
This fragrance became a part of my collection by chance - I received it as a gift from Yves Rocher and though my initial reaction wasn't positive, I am happy that I can reach for this amazing fragrance when the mood strikes me.


Mon Evidence has a light and brisk floral bouquet opening. I had to smell it a couple of times before I could distinguish it's fresh note as citrus. Unlike niche fragrances, generic fragrances are always difficult for me to separate into their respective notes; to me they are always fused mixtures that do not have strong charismatic note that stand out.

I have never been an admirer of floral fragrances, which is why I initially thought nothing of this fragrance and why many popular fragrances are lost on me. I gave it a go, but wasn't enamoured, so I left it on a shelf thinking I could gift it to whoever visits me and who would love to take it home.
I am glad that that never happened.


Mon Evidence is supposed to be a rose and patchouli fragrance, both very dominant notes, but in actuality it is a very fresh, light, spring floral; like going through the park in early spring when the flowers are beginning to bloom and the weather is quite cold with the morning dew still lingering on the foliage.

Bergamot is the opening act of Mon Evidence, then a bouquet of jasmine, orange blossom and rose is revealed, behind this very feminine floral fragrance profile is deepening vanilla giving the fragrance it's sweetness in perfect balance.


Sometimes you have to revisit a fragrance to experience its full potential, that was certainly the case with Mon Evidence, the only floral fragrance I see myself wearing and repurchasing every spring.



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