Photosource: Scent Studio (own copyright) |
"While we were fast asleep on the couch, the Tooth Fairy came by and gave us in exchange for our lost tooth a piece of Gold."
At the finish line I am quite excited. Not only was I looking forward to trying Gold, but smelling this will also define which Commodity fragrance I will consider buying.
On paper, I am met by a gorgeous scent, but I'm also experiencing déjà vu. Gold has the same scent profile as Milk and Velvet. Sweet, creamy, warm. That in itself is quite anticlimactic. Don't get me wrong, the fragrance is gorgeous, but I have been smelling something similar for the last couple of days.
So how is it on the skin? Hopefully like Velvet, very different from on paper.
Oh yes, on skin there is a fresher minty note at top (the juniper berries). It evaporates after a minute, but it lingers after the scent has dried down.
A couple of minutes in and I almost cannot smell it anymore. What is it in Commodity fragrances that is so incompatible with my chemistry?
I love the contrast of the juniper with the warm, sweet vanilla and amber, but to experience it, I have to reapply it many times within just half an hour!
I honestly thought my choice would be a battle between Milk and Gold, but reaching back in my memory, I am leaning more towards Velvet and Milk.
Gold is a wonderful fragrance if you can smell it.
However, my Commodity journey was supposed to finish with a bang, but it ended up with a fizzle.
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